LIFESTLYE: Morning + Nighttime Routine

We all know the amount and quality of our sleep can have a huge impact our day. Since high school I struggled with fatigue, and lack of motivation. While I accredit most of that to my [old] terrible eating habits, I do realize that my terrible sleeping pattern was also to blame. A few months ago I created a morning and night time routine in order to help me get the best sleep and also, help me make the most of my day. Inspired by my favorite plant-based blogger, Breanna Danielle of Where She Begins, I'm going to share a few practices that have helped me maximize my sleep.

In my opinion, having a consistent morning routine reduces the amount of anxiety I feel entering a new day knowing that I'm facing new tasks. I become overwhelmed by creativity, responsibility and expectation. My routine helps me to slow down. It helps me to find my focus, which increases my productivity and overall mood. A consistent night time routine relaxes my mind before I attempt to fall asleep so that I am already at ease when I get in the bed. If you're like me then your mind moves a million miles a minute, making it almost impossible to fall asleep as soon as you lay down.

I structured my routines around the changes I wanted to see in my life. This list includes: clearer skin, healthier hair, no under-eye bags, increased productivity + mood, less anxiety, less tardiness, peace. I arrived at these results after asking myself "How do you want to feel when you get in the bed? What are your foundational goals for the day?" Because I want to feel peaceful when I get in the bed and energized when I wake up, I believe the following practices are best.

M O R N I N G 

7AM-8AM: Wake Up, Hydrate

8AM-8:30AM: Stretch + Mediation / Devotional / Affirmations

8:30AM-9:30AM: Breakfast + Clean

9:30AM-10AM: Shower, Hair, Face

10:30AM: Check texts, emails, social media 

Note: I honestly really truly hate being rushed, which is why I allow myself an hour to lay in bed before I actually have to get up. I would also like to note that I don't respond to messages as soon as I wake up so I can embrace the vibe of the day and create my mood. Otherwise it would be all bad for everyone.


10PM: Wrap up work + conversation

10:30PM: Shower, Face, Hair

11PM: Phone away || Journal + Meditate

11:30PM: Stretch || Beauty Sleep 

Note: I like to sleep with my phone placed on my dresser or in my bathroom so I'm not tempted to look at it if I can't fall asleep. This also forces me to have fully wake up when my alarm sounds, because I have to walk to turn it off. 

Also because I do travel often it was important to me that most, if not all, of my routine practices can be practiced from anywhere. Since I've been traveling a lot this summer it's been difficult to stick to the exact times but I do make sure to follow all practices, in order every day. I have definitely seen an increase in my energy level and productivity in this past month.

 If you're looking for a subtle change in your life, I strongly encourage you to start by creating a morning + night time routine.

If you would like more details about my routine or need help creating your own, feel free to ask on Twitter @BellaRozzay or Instagram @BellaCreatives_.  

Until next time Bellas, I love you. Stay beautiful.



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